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Christmas And Winter Photoshop Styles And Actions

Christmas And Winter Photoshop Styles And Actions

Christmas Text Styles and Photoshop Actions – this is the second part of Christmas and Winter Styles with Decorative ATN Photoshop Actions which are perfect for any kind of your work. Best results with font height from 300 – 500 pt as seen in PSD file. It looks also perfect on advertising banners.

10 Unique Christmas and Winter Styles (best results with 300-500 pt font height). 13 ATN Actions with Christmas and Winter Decoration – works with text and shapes and vectors. Actions are usable with any other style or without any style.

After Action is played the main object is still fully customizable as well as effect layer/s. You can combine two or more actions on one object to get some magic results. Color overlay can be changed after Action is done.

Works perfect with many fonts and shapes. Quick tip: Check out this wonderful list of free Christmas fonts. They are just perfect for creating your own Christmas cards!

rating: submitted by:admin views: 8320

Elegant Metal Chrome Text amp Style

Elegant Metal Chrome Text amp Style

6 Layer Styles & Elegant Metal – Chrome Text effects created by using them in combination. For example write a name on heart using a heart image and a text effect like one of these metal chrome text effect. The file was originally built using Adobe Photoshop.

There is also anASLfile included that has all 6 styles ready to be loaded into Photoshop. INCLUDES: .asl file with 6 styles. .psd file with editable text (1400px * 2900px) with the 6 styles layered to create the metal/chrome text effects depicted. Fonts Lobster: If you like metal chrome effects check out the metal chrome layer styles for Photoshop in this huge collection of over 500 Photoshop text styles.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 2614

Low Poly Geometric Photoshop Action

Low Poly Geometric Photoshop Action

Low Poly Geometric Photoshop Generator contains 7 Photoshop actions with styles intact that will allow you to create geometric low poly effects out of any image. The result contains easy to edit layers with layers styles intact so that you can customize the effect.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 11186

Page Curl Photoshop Action

Page Curl Photoshop Action

I have created a small action based on the Page Curl Tutorial. The action simply creates a page curl in any of the four corners of an image. I have added a drop shadow style to the action, however the values I used are for very large images so at the end of the action you may need to adjust the drop shadow style.

This action was created with Photoshop CS2 but should also be compatible with Photoshop CS as well but not with previous Photoshop versions.

rating: submitted by:admin views: 11063

Dark Light Effect with Gold Silver and Bronze Skin Photoshop Action

Dark Light Effect with Gold Silver and Bronze Skin Photoshop Action

This Photoshop action will allow you to create intense dark light with silver, gold and bronze skin effect out of any image. The final result contains easy to edit layers&adjustments with all the layers intact so that you can customize the appearance. Tested and working with Photoshop CS and CC, all language versions.

If you like gold effects check out the gold layer styles for Photoshop in this huge collection of over 500 Photoshop text styles.

rating: submitted by:John views: 8060